

The building which houses the Maple Corner Community Center was originally a hardware store and blacksmith shop located in Gospel Hollow, about 3 miles down the road. It was purchased on January 25, 1921 by the Maple Valley Grange for a sum of $175.  The above photo shows the building being moved from Gospel Hollow to its current location in Maple Corner shortly after the Grange bought it.  It remained the Maple Valley Grange until it was taken over by the newly formed Maple Corner Community Center in 1949. Read all about the early history of the Building and the Community Center in this brief history compiled by volunteers in 1981:
MCCC History as of 8_8_1981

You can see more old Maple Corner photos here and here.

And for a taste of our more recent history, check out highlights from the 2002 & 2003 Men of Maple Corner Calendars!